4 Easy Steps to Create a Beautiful Design Portfolio (2024)

This story was originally published byExpertise.

If you’re a designer, an online portfolio can help you attract new clients or score your dream job. Publishing your most compelling work samples creates a valuable promotional tool that’s sure to expand your professional opportunities. It’s a must-have!

Regardless of whether you’re creating a graphic design portfolio or web design portfolio, similar principles apply, which we’ll cover in this guide. To start building an online portfolio that establishes credibility and expands your professional network, we’ll cover:

  • What items to include in your portfolio
  • Ways to describe each portfolio item
  • Online platforms that combine flexibility and usability
  • Ways to optimize your portfolio for viewers
  • Tactics for promoting work

By the time we’re done, you’ll know how to create an online design portfolio that has future employers racing to connect with you. Let’s dig in.

1. Identify Work Samples to Share

When it comes to choosing items for your portfolio, quality always trumps quantity. A portfolio isn’t supposed to be a digital repository for every .psd file on your hard drive. It’s a public showcase of yourvery best stuff.

In other words, don’t include your most dull, unimaginative work unless you want viewers to think you’re a dull, unimaginative designer.

As you’re scouring your work for knock-em-dead samples, try to include a diversity of projects. For example, instead of displaying five websites you designed for five different sporting goods companies, add in the website you created for a regional bank or the print ad you designed for a non-profit organization.

Balancing quality and diversity of work samples shows prospective employers or clients that you have:

  • Demonstrated talent and the ability to create beautiful designs.
  • Exposure to a variety of marketing and advertising media.

In the end, choosing the right samples comes down to following a few rules:

Do showcase only your most brilliant, riveting designs in your portfolio. Demonstrate the breadth of your experience by including a variety of samples.

Don’t include designs you’re not extremely proud of. Your portfolio is an art exhibit, not a place to dump images.

2. Tell the Story of Each Sample

Exhibiting your best designs doesn’t end with the images or screenshots. You’ve also got toshow viewers what your designs achieved–and how.

Imagine you’re a restaurant owner looking for a web designer with experience in the hospitality industry. You’ve narrowed it down to two people. Both have attractive restaurant websites in their portfolios, and you love what you see. However, one designer takes things a step further.

Alongside each portfolio image, the designer explains the client’s goals and how the design achieved them. What’s more, the designer includes a detailed summary of the results from each project–clients can actually trace an uptick in business to the interaction patterns of the new design! Needless to say, this is the person you want to design your new website.

The lesson? Don’t just upload pretty pictures to your portfolio. Tell your audience the story behind your designs.

You don’t have to turn every portfolio item into a case study, but you should always give viewers a sense of a design’s purpose and what it achieved for the organization that’s using it. Be sure each story covers:

A clear story contextualizes your work and gives people a quantifiable reason to hire you. Ultimately, there’s a big difference between someone telling a decision maker, “I like this designer’s stuff” and “I like this designer’s work and they’ve had success with organizations in our industry.”

If you’re the designer with the better story, you’ll land the job.

Do give your audience a sense of what was involved in every design that appears in your portfolio. A great story will send great leads to your inbox. Be sure to proof all copy to avoid grammatical errors before publishing.

Don’t assume viewers understand the significance of each portfolio item based on appearances alone. You’re not selling to other designers—these viewers need to know why the design is effective and how you made it that way.

3. Choose a Web Platform

Picked out your most spellbinding design samples? Got a great story to accompany each piece? Excellent. The next step is choosing a web platform that makes browsing your portfolio easy and enjoyable.

Your choice of platform will depend on your technical skill. Generally speaking, platforms that offer substantial flexibility in formatting and presentation may require some technical know-how (like the ability totweak HTML and CSS).

On the other hand, platforms with out-of-the-box interfaces tend to be less customizable. That doesn’t make them less effective. It just means you have less freedom to change how your portfolio appears after selecting a platform.

If you’re a graphic or industrial designer with no coding experience, you might prefer a platform with requires no coding. However, if you have a web or UX background, your portfolio is a chance to show off your coding ability.

Starting with the most straightforward, low-maintenance portfolio platforms, let’s explore your options:

For many designers, the simplest option is a hosted portfolio website. If you don’t want to write code, these are ideal options. Hosted platforms let you upload images and add content to a ready-made layout. Typically, you’ll be able to choose from a variety of design portfolio templates, all of which offer a dedicated interface to highlight your work.

“Hosted,” by the way, means you don’t have to purchase separate server space to store your portfolio. The platform takes care of it for you.

Compare the following hosted platforms to see how they differ. All let you publish a beautiful, mobile-responsive portfolio at a nominal cost. Some even offer a free plan:

  • With Carbonmade you can pick your template (they call them “themed”), upload files, and go! Pricing starts at $6 per month for 10 projects and 100 images. The cost goes up if you need additional projects but tops out at $24 per month. There’s a lot to love, but with only six themes to choose from, your presentation options are somewhat limited.

  • Dunked’s template choices are even more limited than Carbonmade—just three options—but the customizability within those templates is substantial. Dunked portfolios tend to look quite different from one another, even when the same design portfolio templates are used. Pricing starts at $6, just like Carbonmade.

  • “Being unique” is one of Portfoliobox’s strongest selling points. Instead of design portfolio template, you get customizable editing tools that let you add images and projects any way you want. Unlike Dunked and Carbonmade, Portfoliobox has a free option you can use if you needs are modest.

These certainly aren’t the only hosted portfolio sites out there. Check outSessions College’s list of portfolio sitesfor more options. The important thing to remember is that all these hosted platforms make it easy to publish an attractive portfolio, even if you don’t have coding experience.

And if you’re wondering why the above list omits some of the largest online design communities, there’s a good chance you’ll see them at step five, “promote your work.”

Hosted Business Websites

These are similar to hosted portfolio websites except they cater to businesses and publishers of all kinds–not just designers. All that means is that you have to scour the templates for portfolio-specific interfaces. Some of the most popular platforms include:

  • SquareSpace: With SquareSpace, you get 24/7 customer support, even with the least expensive $8 plan. Lots of businesses use SquareSpace, but the platform offerseight portfolio templatesjust for designers and creatives. After that, everything works a lot like the hosted portfolio websites: easy image uploads and content publishing, no programming knowledge needed.

  • Weebly: Like SquareSpace, Weebly targets various types of businesses. The platform offers a few themes for creatives, some of which have portfolio features. Not all Weebly themes are mobile responsive, although they do have a mobile display option that you can configure in the Weebly interface. If all you need is a simple portfolio without customer support,you can use Weebly for free.

  • Wordpress.com: Not to be confused with self-hosted WordPress websites (more on those in a bit), WordPress.com lets virtually any kind of publisher create a website fromhundreds of different themes. You’ll have to search for “portfolio” to home in on themes that will work for you, but there are many to choose from. Unless you pick a theme labeled “premium,” WordPress.com is free.

These platforms give you an opportunity to customize your site’s code, or leave it alone. If you want more control over your portfolio’s look and feel, and are willing to put in some coding work, you may prefer a self-hosted site.

Self-Hosted Websites

If you’re creating a web design portfolio or want to show off some coding skills, you’re not limited to readymade templates and editors. You can publish a custom portfolio using a self-hosted website. There are only two catches:

  • You need tochoose a web host. Hosted solutions take care of this step for you (hence the name), but “self-hosted” means you’re on your own.

  • If you can’t build the website from scratch-you still have to choose a platform.

  • And if you’re not going to code a website from the ground up,WordPress.orgis the platform you should use, not WordPress.com (the hosted option) but the WordPress software youinstall on your own domain.

It works a lot like WordPress.com–intuitive user interface, a variety of portfolio themes, free software–but with the added perk of access to aseemingly endless arrayof custom add-ons, or “plugins,” that you can tack onto your website. You can also access all of the code that powers your portfolio, which means you or a developer can customize the presentation to your liking.

If you need the flexibility to publish a custom portfolio, are willing to take on the responsibility of hosting your own website, and want an opportunity to show off some coding knowledge, you might want to create your own site.

For everyone else, a hosted platform probably makes the most sense. It also requires less maintenance, so you can spend more time creating beautiful designs.

Do look carefully at the variety of hosted platforms, and choose the one you like the most! It’s easier than ever to publish an attractive, mobile-responsive online portfolio at a nominal cost. It’s hard to go wrong. Only opt for a self-hosted platform if your needs truly warrant the added flexibility.

Don’t choose a template or theme that isn’t made for portfolios. The last thing you want is to provide a clunky experience for the people vetting your work. Also, avoid giving your site an unprofessional title or tagline. When in doubt, using your own name will suffice.

4. Optimize Your Website

Even the cleanest, most attractive portfolios will perform poorly without modest refinements. By optimizing your images and making it easy for your audience to contact you, you’ll bolster your portfolio website’s lead-generating potential.

To ensure portfolio images don’t load sluggishly, remember to:

  • Resize images before uploading them to the web: Don’t make people load several thousand square pixels just to view a thumbnail. Resize every image to match the space in your template of choice. When in doubt, full-size images of 700 to 900 pixels wide are asafe betfor most users, most of the time.

  • Compress every image: Even if you’re only using .jpg and .png files, you can usually shrink the file size without changing the image dimensions or sacrificing quality. Head over toTinyJPGand compress every image before uploading it to your platform.

Besides providing snappy load times, make sure your audience knows how to contact you when they want to get in touch. A clear call to action (for example, “Contact Me”) and an easy-to-use contact form will help make this happen. Be sure there’s a link to the form on every page of your site!

Alternatively, you could just include your email address and phone number, but that means you’re counting on people to leave your site and use another application (or device) to contact you. Contact formsmake you much more reachable. And yes, all of the platforms discussed in step three offer contact form functionality.

When it comes to website optimization:

Do resize and compress every image. Make it easy to contact you. Strive to make navigating your site a delightful, straightforward experience.

Don’t upload gargantuan images and expect your audience to wait for them to load. Most people will just look for another designer.

Promote Your Work

Though technically not a step in creating your online portfolio, promoting your work is key to maximizing the value of your efforts in steps one through four. A portfolio won’t help you if nobody looks at it!

One way to promote your work is to join an online design community and share your achievements with other designers. These communities allow you to publish your work and receive feedback from other creatives. It’s a great way to network, and commentary from others can help you improve your work.

At minimum, you should share your work with one out of the following three design communities, all of which boast thousands or, in some cases, millions of users:

  • Dribbble: The premise behind Dribbble is that it’s a place for designers to answer the question, “What are you working on?” The community is so popular that many businesses and agenciesscour members’ “shots” and “buckets” for fresh design talent. It’s a way to network with other creatives and the people who hire them.

  • Behance: The same applies to Behance, which is owned and operated by Adobe. The concept is comparable to Dribbble, but without the basketball theme. It attractstens of millions of visitorseach month.

  • DeviantArt: One of the web’s oldest design communities, DeviantArt boastsmore than 32 millionregistered members. Compared to Behance, its approach is more “art for art’s sake” than “designers for hire,” but that doesn’t diminish its potential as a place to connect with other creative minds.

All these websites provide a platform to showcase and promote your work. They shouldn’t replace your primary platform–they all let you link back to your website–but you can think of them as an ancillary portfolio you use to draw attention to your primary portfolio.

Another way to promote your work is through social media. Let your Facebook friends and Twitter followers know you’ve published your portfolio on the web, andpost new additions to your profile, feed, or artist page. Remember: your friends want to see you succeed. If they know where to find your portfolio, they’re more likely to pass your name to a colleague who’s looking for a designer.

Oh, and don’t forget to exploit one of themost credible methods of advertising: word-of-mouth promotion.11 Tell former and existing clients about your new portfolio, especially if you’re featuring their work. Let them know that you love referrals and they should feel free to show your portfolio to anyone looking for a designer.

Seriously, it’s okay to ask. As long as you don’t repeatedly badger for, you won’t come across as desperate or overbearing. Instead, you’ll sound like an honest designer who’s looking for business, and there’s nothing wrong with that!

Do actively promote your work among other designers, friends, and business contacts. Make your portfolio available to your entire network.

Don’t go overboard with self-promotion. Post only your best work in online communities (the samples that would make it into your main portfolio) and avoid hyping them up. Asking for feedback is a humbler, more advantageous approach than boasting loudly about each new design.


As you’re creating your online design portfolio, it’s important to remember what a portfolio is and isn’t. It isn’t a museum for all of your past projects, nor is it a sketchbook where you toss around new ideas. It’s a tool you use to make money.

For individuals or organizations seeking design talent, your online portfolio proves you’re a professional, and able to create beautiful designs that help clients address business goals. The sooner you start thinking of your portfolio as a tool, the sooner it will deliver you new business!

4 Easy Steps to Create a Beautiful Design Portfolio (2024)


4 Easy Steps to Create a Beautiful Design Portfolio? ›

Once done, a digital document portfolio should be saved as a PDF, as that is the standard file format for this portfolio type. Whenever you change something in your source file, you have to create a new copy of your PDF, so make sure that you always use the latest iteration of your portfolio!

How to create a quick design portfolio? ›

How to Make a Good Portfolio for Graphic Design
  1. Get a Website Builder. A website builder offers a straightforward approach to creating an online portfolio. ...
  2. Select a Template. ...
  3. Customize the Design. ...
  4. Add Your Projects and Images. ...
  5. Write Compelling Descriptions. ...
  6. Organize Your Portfolio Sections.
Apr 23, 2024

How to create a beautiful portfolio? ›

These range from designing your portfolio in an attractive way to making sure it sees the day of light.
  1. Gather inspiration.
  2. Choose your online portfolio design.
  3. Showcase your best projects.
  4. Use high-quality images.
  5. Include the right content and features.
  6. Improve your portfolio's UX.
  7. Work on your site's SEO.
May 6, 2024

What are the steps to create a portfolio? ›

How To Make A Portfolio?
  1. Identify your best work samples. ...
  2. Create a contents section. ...
  3. Include your resume. ...
  4. Add a personal statement outlining your professional goals. ...
  5. List out your hard skills and expertise. ...
  6. Attach samples of your best work. ...
  7. Include recommendations and testimonials from credible sources.
Sep 13, 2023

How do I make a beauty portfolio? ›

What to include in a hair and make-up portfolio
  1. Feature photographs of six pieces of work.
  2. Include the work of which you're most proud. You'll be expected to talk about it and you'll do that better if you're pleased with what you've created.
  3. Show variety in your six pieces.

What is the best format for a portfolio? ›

Once done, a digital document portfolio should be saved as a PDF, as that is the standard file format for this portfolio type. Whenever you change something in your source file, you have to create a new copy of your PDF, so make sure that you always use the latest iteration of your portfolio!

What makes a successful portfolio? ›


So, in addition to sharing images of final designs, a good portfolio will often also include sketches that help add clarity to the work. Creative directors and art directors typically want to see how you think through challenges and get a sense of your creative process.

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Processes of Portfolio Management
  • Step 1 – Identification of objectives. ...
  • Step 2 – Estimating the capital market. ...
  • Step 3 – Decisions about asset allocation. ...
  • Step 4 – Formulating suitable portfolio strategies. ...
  • Step 5 – Selecting of profitable investment and securities. ...
  • Step 6 – Implementing portfolio. ...
  • Step 7 – ...
  • Step 8 –

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6 Steps to Building Your Portfolio
  1. Step 1: Establish Your Investment Profile. No two people are exactly alike. ...
  2. Step 2: Allocate Assets. ...
  3. Step 3: Decide how to diversify. ...
  4. Step 4: Select investments. ...
  5. Step 5: Consider Taxes. ...
  6. Step 6: Monitor your portfolio.
Jan 13, 2024

What are the key elements of a portfolio? ›

Key elements of a portfolio include a cover letter, table of contents, entries of core and optional student work, dates, drafts, and reflections. Portfolio assessment aims to provide a holistic view of student abilities through authentic artifacts and promotes student ownership over learning goals.

How do I make a simple design portfolio? ›

Let's dig in.
  1. Identify Work Samples to Share. When it comes to choosing items for your portfolio, quality always trumps quantity. ...
  2. Tell the Story of Each Sample. Exhibiting your best designs doesn't end with the images or screenshots. ...
  3. Choose a Web Platform. ...
  4. Optimize Your Website.

How to make an attractive portfolio? ›

Here are some important things to consider as a guide for you to build an attractive design portfolio:
  1. Show your design process. ...
  2. Start to make your own brand. ...
  3. Show the best portfolio designs. ...
  4. Take advantage of a portfolio site. ...
  5. Manage the design project as best as possible. ...
  6. Compete in design competitions.
Dec 11, 2019

What makes a strong design portfolio? ›

A good graphic design portfolio should include a variety of high-quality projects showcasing diverse skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, along with clear project descriptions and client feedback/testimonials when possible.

How do I make a quick art portfolio? ›

Top 10 tips for creating the best art portfolio
  1. Read the criteria closely. Every school has its own set of requirements for a portfolio. ...
  2. Organize examples effectively. ...
  3. Write clear, concise labels. ...
  4. Be ready to discuss each piece. ...
  5. Tell stories. ...
  6. Don't get hung up on quantity. ...
  7. Get outside advice. ...
  8. Showcase your technical ability.

How do I create a set design portfolio? ›

What should a set design portfolio contain?
  1. Mood boards, research findings, rough drafts to show your process.
  2. Photographs and drawings/sketches.
  3. Photographs of final design.
  4. Evidence of any productions you have been involved in, the programmes or production photographs.
Mar 4, 2019

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.