Hearing: Don’t Cut Corners with Miners’ Safety (2024)

At 9:00A.M. sharp on August 10, asmall phalanx of smiling, well-coiffed elderly women began herding acrowd of several dozen people into the auditorium of the National Mine Health and Safety Academy in Beckley, West Virginia. Among the crowd were former coal miners and their spouses, lawyers, pulmonologists, black lung clinic staff, environmental activists, local media, union representatives, and concerned citizens — all there to attend apublic hearing for anew proposed rule from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) that seeks to limit silica exposure in the nation’s coal mines to 50micrograms per cubic meter, down from100.

I was there too, both to document the proceedings and offer my own brief testimony. Ihave been following this rule’s progression since Ibegan reporting on the black lung epidemic last year, and was thrilled to see it finally enter the public comment portion. As Ifound in my recent investigation for In These Times, black lung now afflicts more than one in eight coal miners in Kentucky and West Virginia who have been working underground for 20-24years, up from one in 30 adecade ago. Younger miners — those who have spent only 15-19years underground — are becoming sicker with pulmonary massive fibrosis, the most severe form of the disease. As Iwrote then, workers in their 30s and 40s are now making their way to the same black lung clinics that served their parents and grandparents, and fighting the same battles against red tape and corporate malfeasance to win black lung benefits. And it is all completelypreventable.

The hearing in Beckley was chaired by Patricia Silvey, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations at MSHA, and stretched for nearly four hours of comments, testimonies, personal stories, questions and occasional pushback from theagency.

It was the second such hearing to be held — and almost didn’t happen at all. The first hearing had taken place aweek earlier, on August 3, in Arlington, Virginia, and another is being held on August 21, in Denver, Colorado. Both those locations make logistical sense: MSHA operates atraining center near Denver, and the Arlington location is both right outside Washington, D.C., and also near the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) headquarters in nearby Triangle, Virginia. But without the addition of Beckley, the Central Appalachia communities most affected by the proposed rule — and hit the hardest by the black lung epidemic that is currently ravaging the region’s coal miners as aresult of overexposure to respirable crystalline silica — would have struggled to make their voices heard during the crucial public comment period.

Beckley was hastily added to the schedule after local advocacy groups like Appalachian Voices called on MSHA to include ahearing in the region. Many impacted workers and families are struggling financially because their family members are no longer able to work due to black lung disease, and traveling such along distance is simply not afinancial possibility,” Appalachian Voices explained in aJuly 10 letter to MSHA. Other impacted workers are not physically well enough to make the roundtrip so faraway.”

As it stood, many of the attendees at the Aug. 10 hearing still had to go the extra mile to make it out. Vonda Robinson, vice president of the National Black Lung Association, and her husband John, aformer miner now struggling with advanced black lung disease, drove three hours from their home near the Tennessee border. Both spoke in favor of strengthening the proposed rule to ensure that mine operators can’t cut corners with miners’ safety. Her voice strong with emotion, Vonda Robinson told the hearing room how much the disease has damaged her 57-year-old husband’s quality of life, and how badly it pains her to see younger men still being stricken with ittoday.

"We're looking at guys only 32 and 34 years old, getting complicated black lung, and that tells you that there's something wrong—the coal companies are not doing what they're saying they're doing.”

Even her five-year-old granddaughter knows that something is wrong — and has already learned how to operate her grandfather John’s oxygen tank. She’ll say, Nana, Iwish Papaw didn’t have black lung, because he can’t get out and play with me, he can’t run with me,’” Robinson said. I don’t like to see the toll that it has on the men’s lives. Now we’re looking at guys only 32 and 34years old, getting complicated black lung, and that tells you that there’s something wrong — the coal companies are not doing what they’re saying they’redoing.”

Another retired West Virginia coal miner, Terry Lilly, had adifficult time even walking to the microphone to share his testimony. He began with an apology. Excuse me, Ihave trouble breathing,” he wheezed, pausing every few words. I’m at 40% of my lung capacity.” Lilly soldiered on, adding agrim warning. It’s too late for me… but I’d like these young people to realize they need to wake up. One of these days you’ll be like me — you can’t walk across the parkinglot.”

Lilly was one of several former miners who testified during the hearing; most of them already had advanced black lung, and were horrified by the knowledge that an entire new generation is facing this old evil. They were joined by advocates like attorney Sam Petsonk, alocal labor and employment lawyer who has represented thousands of miners in black lung cases. In delivering the first comment of the day, Petsonk wasted no time explaining exactly why the rule is so necessary — the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) called for limits on exposure to silica dust back in 1974, but MSHA has failed to meaningfully address the issue until now — as well as the myriad ways the proposal still fallsshort.

Armed with alaptop and sheaf of notes, Petsonk outlined three major issues with the rule as it stands: that it requires no routine sampling of silica dust in mines; that it imposes no specific penalties for mines that violate silica dust limits; and that it offers no immediate protections for miners who areoverexposed.

A rule with no penalties is no rule at all,” Petsonk said. The only thing that mining companies understand is money. They don’t understand or appreciate the blood and the lives of miners, because if they did, they would have protected miners willingly over the last several decades.” (Silvey, the MSHA official overseeing the hearing, responded that the rule sets abar for operators to meet, but does not deal withpenalties.”)

Most of the other speakers agreed that the proposed rule clearly needs work. Anumber of miners who testified zeroed in on the rule’s overreliance on using respirators as acorrective measure in mines that are found to be noncompliant with the 50micrograms standard. As Willie Dodson, afield coordinator for Appalachian Voices, emphasized in his testimony, it’s impractical to expect workers to strap abulky, tight-fitting apparatus to their face for 12hours at atime and keep it on while doing hard labor in adark, tight space, all while needing to be able to communicate with their coworkers. (The fact that many miners wear beards, which makes it harder to maintain agood seal on protective facial coverings, underscores how flawed this solutionis.)

Dr. Leonard Go, apulmonologist at the University of Illinois and medical director for the National Coalition of Black Lung and Respiratory Disease Clinics, called respirators an ineffective and impractical solution when dust levels are high,” comparing them to aBand-Aid that provides afalse sense of security. I as aphysician cannot reasonably expect aminer to do physically harder work than Ido with atighter fitting mask than what Iwear in ahospital,” Gotestified.

Hearing: Don’t Cut Corners with Miners’ Safety (1)

Conveyor belts carry bituminous coal from the Road Fork 52 coal mine owned by Alpha Metallurgical Resources August 29, 2022 in Pineville, West Virginia. In 2020, West Virginia was the second-largest coal producer in the nation, after Wyoming and accounted for 13% of U.S. total production. (Photo by Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images)

Most speakers also shared aprofound lack of trust in mine operators’ ability and willingness to perform accurate dust sampling, and were distressed that the proposed rule would allow them to self-report the silica levels they find in their mines. I’ve got 30years of coal mining and Iknow the tricks and how [mine bosses] operate,” Terry Lilly had explained. We just need to put astop to it, and we can save somelives.”

I look at these young miners, and their faces are black when they come home,” said William Bolts” Willis, another retired miner. Do Ihave to sample to know that they’re getting black lung? Their eyebrows are white from silica dust. We know what’s happening. Let’s do something about it — and it has to bedrastic.”

The most common sentiment in each of the 23 comments, including my own, was that the rule is anecessary first step, but MSHA must continue to strengthen its provisions to truly help the miners who need it most. I represent miners in their 30s, and 40s, and in their early 50s, who have severe progressive, massive fibrosis and silicosis, who have lost over aquarter of their lung to rock dust,” Petsonk said. Their lungs have turned to rock dust. They have Category Bprogressive massive fibrosis because of those exposures. We have acrisis. And the rule does not capturethat.”

Beyond the proposed rule’s technical points, much of the testimony understandably crossed into emotional territory, but the hearing’s overall message was hopeful: People were glad to see the agency doing something to staunch the bleeding and address the public health crisis unfolding within the mines and in their livingrooms.

We old timers have already paid the price,” said John Robinson, wearing a Black Lung Kills” T-shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders. We’re going to die from this preventable disease. But we have got to take care of our younger guys.” His baby brother, he said, works in the mines now, and Robinson does not want him to suffer the same fate. Until we have arule in place that protects our miners, keeps them employed, and eliminates fear and retaliation from these operators, it won’t beenough.”

“Until we have a rule in place that protects our miners, keeps them employed, and eliminates fear and retaliation from these operators, it won't be enough.”

While every speaker who commented in person or via Zoom ultimately supported the rule, not asingle mine operator or company representative said aword. They were there, sitting in clusters of suits with faces like thunder. They’d heard the testimony of the workers who’d made their companies rich and were now dying as aresult, seen the tears glisten in old miners’ eyes as they struggled to speak, but they didn’t utter asound. They had already made their views clear, though. When the public comment period initially opened in July, aflurry of nearly identical comments from mine operators and industry groups, including the National Mining Association, popped up on MSHA’s website, all suggesting the rule goes too far and urging the agency to prolong the comment period — and thereby delay the rule’s implementation. (MSHA announced at the Beckley hearing that they are extending the comment window, but only by 15days; it will now end at midnight on September11.)

Hearing: Don’t Cut Corners with Miners’ Safety (2)

Retired miner Eric Giedel, who suffers from black lung, visits Dr. Don Rasmussen for a cardo pluinary stress test. (Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)

While none of them apparently saw fit to attend the hearing in Central Appalachia, half adozen mining and construction industry representatives had trooped into the first MSHA hearing in Arlington earlier this month, with representatives from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, the National Mining Association, the Portland Cement Association, Heidelberg Materials, the National Stone, Sand &Gravel Association and others testifying, overwhelmingly in opposition to the rule. While coal miners suffering from black lung believe the rule can’t come soon enough, mining executives seemed horrified at how quickly” the proposal has wound its way through theagency.

The first time the idea of asilica rule appeared in the MSHA regulatory agenda was over 20years ago, and MSHA wants to provide industry 45days to comment and six months to comply,” said lawyer and former coal company executive Michael Peelish at the Aug. 3hearing. (Ironically, by pointing out how long it has taken to get to this point, Peelish undercut his own complaint about the current process’s relative speed.) This does not work in your favor, and the courts will explain that to you if you don’t figure itout.”

But at the same hearing, Dr. Drew Harris, the medical director of Virginia’s Black Lung Program at Stone Mountain Health Services, the largest dedicated treatment facility in the country, urged MSHA to go full speed ahead. I’ve heard from many people today that are calling for more time to prepare for implementation of this rule,” Harris testified. And from my perspective, the longer we delay, the more patients will be inadequately protected, which will lead to more diagnoses of severe black lung and more premature and unnecessary deaths, and so Iwould urge MSHA to strongly consider moving forward in the proposed timeline and as quickly aspossible.”

In Beckley, the final few speakers similarly urged MSHA to act fast, to do it right, and to make sure that the rule is as strong and effective as possible. As you’re developing the final rule, I’d ask that you look at each piece and ask: does this section open the door for cheating, or gaming the system?” said Josh Roberts, Director of Occupational Health and Safety at the UMWA. And if the answer is yes, then there’s alot more work [that] needs to be done. History shows that when you leave an opportunity for loopholes or the gaming of the system, some people will take advantage of that. And that’s why miners are getting sick. It’s not because everybody’s following the rules and doing what they’re supposed to be doing and following their ventilation plans and following the law. It’s because they’renot.”

As the speakers trickled out of the Beckley auditorium in the early afternoon, said their goodbyes, and prepared for the long drive home, Vonda Robinson’s words about her little granddaughter echoed in my head. She’ll say, Nana, Idon’t like that black lung,’” Robinson had recounted. I said, I don’t either,honey.’”

It had been ahard day. The miners’ stories about losing the chance to run and play with their grandkids reminded me of how it felt when Ilost my own granddad to abrutal occupational lung disease. It also made me think of all the other children who will have to watch their own fathers, siblings, and grandfathers die breathless thanks to this horrible disease, which continues to claim younger and younger victims. As the speakers that day made clear, so much is riding on this proposed rule, and the stronger versions that will hopefully follow. If MSHA does this right, entire generations of Appalachians may have achance to grow up and grow old, to celebrate the coal dust that miners proudly say runs in their veins” — but to also breathe easy, with no rock dust in theirlungs.

Hearing: Don’t Cut Corners with Miners’ Safety (2024)


What are two safe practices that miners must follow to avoid hazards? ›

Mining safety and health
  • 1 Wear respiratory protection. ...
  • 2 Enforce a fall prevention and protection program. ...
  • 3 Watch for overhead power lines. ...
  • 4 Maintain the worksite to prevent vehicle rollover accidents. ...
  • 5 Use lockout-tagout procedures when maintaining conveyor belts.
May 24, 2024

What kills coal miners? ›

It's caused by the inhalation of coal mine dust, especially exposure to highly dangerous silica dust. Silica is one of Earth's most abundant minerals, and it's about 20 times more toxic than coal dust.

Why don't coal miners wear masks? ›

If coal dust concentrations rise above approved levels, miners are permitted to use respirators for a short period of time until the coal dust levels are reduced using environmental controls. Coal miners are not permitted to use respirators for extended periods of time or as a substitute for environmental controls.

What are the working conditions for miners? ›

Work Environment

Workers in surface mines are outdoors in all kinds of weather, while those underground work in tunnels that are cramped, dark, dusty, wet, and cold. They are all subjected to loud noise from the machinery and work that is physically demanding and dirty.

What are the 5 steps to mining safety? ›

Mining safety practices: 5 safety tips

To improve worker safety, we put together five essential safety tips: Assess hazards, maintain a safety culture, wear personal protection gear, keep your equipment in perfect shape, improve visibility.

What is the 5 point safety? ›

The 5-Point Safety System is one of the most effective and widely-recognized safety programs in Ontario mining. The booklet outlines each of the steps in the 5-Point Safety System, discusses the role that conditions, attitudes and methods play in incidents, and lists the benefits of using the five-point system.

Is black lung disease still killing miners? ›

Every year, about 1,000 miners die from coal workers' pneumoconiosis or 'black lung disease' caused by exposure to coal mine dust. Black lung disease continues to occur today, but that does not need to happen. Black lung disease and death are entirely preventable.

What was the worst mining accident in US history? ›

The Monongah Mine Disaster is widely considered to be the worst mine disaster in American history. On December 6, 1907, mines 6 and 8 of the Monongah Mine in West Virginia suffered a devastating explosion. The explosion destroyed much of the mine as well as the surface.

What US state has the most coal? ›

The five largest coal-producing states with production in thousand short tons, and their percentage shares of total U.S. coal production in 2022, were:
  • Wyoming—244,730—41.2%
  • West Virginia—83,448—14.0%
  • Pennsylvania—39,701—6.7%
  • Illinois—37,488—6.3%
  • Kentucky—28,527—4.8%

Do coal miners still get sick? ›

Even after decades of knowing that coal mine dust can cause disease, black lung disease still affects about 16% of coal workers.

Why are coal miners black? ›

From the mid-1700s, enslaved workers in the coal pits of Richmond, Virginia, were among the first to work in America's commercial coal mines. Thrown into harsh labor conditions and exploitation, some of these miners managed to acquire skills and knowledge that would eventually give rise to a Black-led mining culture.

Do coal miners get COPD? ›

Coal mine dust causes a range of lung diseases, collectively called coal mine dust lung diseases. Examples include coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP, a dust-induced scarring lung disease commonly called black lung), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung function impairment.

Do coal miners make good money? ›

As of Aug 27, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Coal Miner in the United States is $23.25 an hour. While ZipRecruiter is seeing hourly wages as high as $31.97 and as low as $17.55, the majority of Coal Miner wages currently range between $20.43 (25th percentile) to $25.00 (75th percentile) across the United States.

How do miners get paid? ›

Miners check each block, and, once they confirm it, they add it to the blockchain. For helping to keep the network secure, miners earn Bitcoin rewards as they add blocks. The rewards are paid using transaction fees and through the creation of new Bitcoin. However, there is a fixed maximum supply of 21 million Bitcoins.

How long were miners shifts? ›

The miners had asked for an 8-hour day and were awarded a 9-hour day instead of the standard 10 hours then prevailing.

What are two safe practices that managers must follow to avoid hazards? ›

To effectively control and prevent hazards, employers should:
  • Involve workers, who often have the best understanding of the conditions that create hazards and insights into how they can be controlled.
  • Identify and evaluate options for controlling hazards, using a "hierarchy of controls."

What are 2 hazards of working in a mine? ›

Explosion and fire threats are serious risks affecting workers and the mining infrastructure. In deep mines, flammable gases like methane and hydrogen sulfide create a high-risk environment where even a minor ignition source can cause an explosion.

How do miners protect themselves from slipping hazards? ›

Always take precautions when working from elevated locations. Mine operators must provide substantial work platforms, handrails, fall protection equipment and other means to reduce exposure to fall hazards. Miners must utilize these things as well as inspect their work areas for hazards.

What are the 3 safe steps used to protect workers from hazards? ›

There are 3 steps used to manage health and safety at work.
  • Spot the hazard (hazard identification)
  • Assess the risk (risk assessment)
  • Make the changes (risk control)
Jan 22, 2024

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.