Puberty Kit for Tween Boys: What to Include? (2025)

  • March 26, 2024
  • Rowena Thomas

What to put in a puberty kit for your son?

The moment your son hits puberty, expect to see a great deal of changes, from how they feel and act to how their bodies look. It might seem like an overwhelming transition, but your tweens need your support now more than ever. One way to give them the support they need is to put together all the tools they need.

Putting together a puberty kit for boys could be challenging, considering the sheer number of options on the market. That’s why I’ve put together this checklist of everything your tween boys will need.

Must-Have Toiletries To Include in A Puberty Kit For Boys​

When the signs of puberty in boys show up, one of the first things you’ll need to consider is their hygiene. Expect a long list of changes happening in their body at this point, like facial hair and hair growing in other areas of the body, a deeper voice, and body odour.

Here’s a checklist of boys’ toiletries and other things they need for their personal hygiene:

Toiletry Bag or Basket

It doesn’t matter if your tween is staying at home or heading somewhere — you can stash all of those products in a basket or a toiletry bag. A basket or caddy is perfect for keeping all those toiletries organised in your bathroom. Meanwhile, a toiletry bag is great for boys who are always on the go.

Body Odour Kit

Body odour can be embarrassing, but there are so many products that can help prevent it. There is also aluminum-free deodorant. The foot is also prone to bad smells, so adding foot powder to your puberty kit can be a good idea. Top it all off with some cologne or perfume, but make sure he usesdeodorant first.

Shower Kit

Your tween’s hormones make their sweat glands more active, which means they would definitely need to shower more often than usual. Keep some body wash handy, making sure that it’s paraben- and phthalate-free. Using both shampoo and conditioner will not only keep the hair healthy, but will also give it better volume and maintain its natural shine. It’s important to exfoliate and get rid of those dead skin cells, with body scrub.

Skin Care

While they don’t really need a fancy 12-step routine, tweens need to build a basic skin-care routine to keep their skin clean, moisturized, and protected. An organic face wash helps remove excess oil and prevent possible acne breakouts. Face lotion could also help hydrate the skin and prevent inflammation.

Oral Hygiene

Maintaining proper oral hygiene isn’t just about preventing bad breath – it’s also about minimising the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Toothbrush and floss help remove plaque, while mouthwash will help keep the breath fresh. A tongue scraper is also helpful, as it removes food residue and other particles on your tongue that could also contribute to bad breath.

Shaving Kit

Now that your tween is starting to grow some facial hair, it’s important for them to learn how to shave properly. A good razor helps prevent skin irritation and will leave a nice, even shave. Shaving cream will help you get a cleaner cut because it keeps the hair moisturised. Throw in an after shave too, which helps tighten the pores and stop any bleeding.

Hair Care

Proper hair care is not just about looking good – it also helps keep the hair and the scalp healthy. We’ve mentioned choosing the right shampoo and conditioner when we talked about shower products, but you’ll also need a few more things. A brush or comb will help keep the hair away from the face because hair can also cause skin irritation and acne breakouts, while gel or pomade will help keep everything in place.

While you could put your own puberty kit together, you could also go for convenience and purchase aready-made toiletry setthat has everything your son will need in it. Either way, these products can help you support your tween through the many changes that come with puberty to show him that he’s not alone in this journey.

Puberty Kit for Tween Boys: What to Include? (1)

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Puberty Kit for Tween Boys: What to Include? (2)


The facilitator of ‘Amazing Me’, Rowena is a primary trained school teacher, with more than 30 years of experience in sexuality education and a mum of three adult children.

Rowena understands the many complexities and challenges at different stages in a child’s life when talking about tough topics like sex and puberty.

She is passionate about what she does with the goal that open and positive conversations will be started and continued, that puberty is ‘normalised’, relationships enriched and strengthened and as a result, wise choices are made in the future.

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Puberty Kit for Tween Boys: What to Include? (2025)
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