What time does Grubhub stop delivering? (2024)

This food delivery service does not have a schedule for its working hours. One factor that affects delivery time is the area where you are located. Another is the number of restaurants open in your area. Since they work in their specific terms, if they happen to close for the day or stop receiving orders from Grubhub, they will no longer offer food delivery.

Here are some considerations customers should have when using the platform. That way, they will not come across any inconveniences.


How late does Grubhub deliver?

As mentioned above, Grubhub’s schedule depends on the restaurants that use the service; if a business closes very late, you can place your orders without any problem. However, sometimes an establishment will be open at the time but still won’t accept an order. Here are some of the most common reasons why:

Your area

Usually, the company works until late in big cities where the traffic of people at night does not stop, but this may be uncommon in remote villages with a daytime lifestyle.


Another reason may be the drivers themselves, as night orders are assigned to those who live in the area. Establishments can work late, but there may be no one to deliver the food in that area, or they could refuse to do so.

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Number of orders

An extended delivery schedule is also common in areas where customers use the application a lot, usually because they’re at a convenient distance. The drivers may refuse to deliver the order if an area is too far away.

What time does Grubhub close?

Closing time will depend on the restaurant or the availability to deliver food, as the service works 24 hours a day. It may close in a certain area because the restaurant did not give a quick response and the company labeled it as closed.

In turn, drivers may not want to deliver because of long distances and unequal pay. Therefore, the application will not take orders, even if the restaurants are open.

Frequently asked questions about Grubhub deliveries.

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about Grubhub deliveries and closing times.Pay attention!

Delayed delivery times

This can happen if the restaurant is too busy and takes time to process the order, regardless of its size and complexity. Other common causes for delays include traffic jams or even the weather.

Solution if I receive my order late

If this happens to you, you will be offered a form of compensation. If you send an email explaining your situation, an employee will go over your message, and if the complaint is justified, they will give you a pre-established discount on your next purchase.

Why does it say: “Closed for the moment”?

Everything about the application can appear to be working properly but you may still not be able to place an order. This could be because there are no available drivers in the area, or because the restaurant is currently not accepting Grubhub orders.

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Can I set my delivery up ahead of time?

A useful option for those who want to have their food delivered at a specific date and time, as it can be programmed up to 4 days before the date you want. However, this option is subject to the availability of the store where the order is placed.

What is the maximum distance from which I can place my order?

The company establishes a maximum distance of 112 kilometers or 70 miles; ultimately, it will depend on the driver if they want to accept payment for such long distances.

Why was my order put on hold?

This may happen because the restaurant does not have all the ingredients required to prepare your order at hand. They may also have reached an order limit, or something could have caused a delay for the delivery driver.

How do I know if deliveries are made to my location?

The solution is to check the application and see if there are restaurants available in your area. There may be establishments nearby, but they may not be working with Grubhub.


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What time does Grubhub stop delivering? (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.