Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧 on LinkedIn: Historical myth or fantasy? The divorce duel to the death. In medieval… (2024)

Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧

Specialist Dutch Nationality Lawyer (jurist). European-Dutch-Australian-British. -he is single- မင်းသား ခရစ်ဗွန် ဟက်စဘတ် ☆ 王子 ハプスブルクのクリス ☆ เจ้าชาย คริส ฟ็อน ฮาพส์บวร์ค ☆ 王子 哈布斯堡的克里斯 ☆ الامير كريس من عائلة هابسبرغ

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Historical myth or fantasy? The divorce duel to the death.In medieval Europe divorce was not a done thing and extremely difficult. The church said for ever and meant it, barring a few exceptions. If you didn't have enough wealth to donate to an understanding church then you were out of luck and stuck in that marriage. People were still a bit more liberal than the church but would of course not want to become the focus of the powerful priest/church.-->German combat instructor and court adviser Hans Talhofer wrote in 1467 Fechtbuch (“Fencing Book”). This included the subject of a divorce duel. At death you do part. He included techniques for couples engaged in such duels. Since men have obvious physical advantages, things had to get evened out. Hubbies, armed with three clubs, had to fight from inside a waist-high hole about three feet wide, with one hand tied to their body. Wives were armed with three rocks that weighed up to eight pounds, tied in a cloth like a battery in a sock, and could move around the hole freely.-->Both sides’ weapons had to be of equal length. A husband who touched the hole’s edge forfeited a club. If he did so three times, he had to continue unarmed. If that happened, he would presumably have to try and wrestle his wife into the hole before she bashed his head in. Talhofer’s manual offered advice about appropriate clothes, best techniques for each gender, and step-by-step instructions to exploit the opponent’s vulnerabilities. -->Although divorce duels were not to the death, death was the ultimate result. If the wife won, her husband was executed, and if the husband won, the wife was buried alive.-->So the book and story goes. But this is not just a myth, it is fake history. Maybe Hans was brainstorming with some palls on alternative solutions, maybe it was a joke to show society's ridiculous stance on divorce, maybe it was wishful thinking, maybe done to boost his readership, or a combination. But the reality is that no such divorce duel has ever been recorded. In the middle ages judicial duels and trials by ordeal were viewed with extreme scepticism. It is therefore very unlikely anyone acted as such before and even after Hans' fantastic publication.-->Do you think a divorce should be done amicable?Do you think marriage should be a commitment until death does you part?

  • Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧 on LinkedIn: Historical myth or fantasy? The divorce duel to the death.In medieval… (2)


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    Specialist Dutch Nationality Lawyer (jurist). European-Dutch-Australian-British. -he is single- မင်းသား ခရစ်ဗွန် ဟက်စဘတ် ☆ 王子 ハプスブルクのクリス ☆ เจ้าชาย คริส ฟ็อน ฮาพส์บวร์ค ☆ 王子 哈布斯堡的克里斯 ☆ الامير كريس من عائلة هابسبرغ

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    Ik zag hoe Brexit met dezelfde retoriek als nu in NL begon. De gemiddelde Brit ging meteen al economisch sterk achteruit. Er werd gesteld, dat is een tijdelijk iets, een offer voor meer zelfstandigheid. Maar Uiteindelijk gingen alleen de rijken er op vooruit en nu speelt men met de nummers om het goed te praten. Ondertussen ging stilletjes de rechtsstaat er op achteruit en weten de Britse populisten hoe het politieke machtsspelletje te manipuleren. Democratie? Meerderheid? Oorzaak, economie en politieke apathie groot deel volk en jaren van beïnvloeding van de media hype waarbij het concept 'onafhankelijk objectieve journalisme' vaak ver te zoeken was. Oude technieken... beïnvloed wat men leest en ziet.. kan lezen en zien...


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  • Specialist Dutch Nationality Lawyer (jurist). European-Dutch-Australian-British. -he is single- မင်းသား ခရစ်ဗွန် ဟက်စဘတ် ☆ 王子 ハプスブルクのクリス ☆ เจ้าชาย คริส ฟ็อน ฮาพส์บวร์ค ☆ 王子 哈布斯堡的克里斯 ☆ الامير كريس من عائلة هابسبرغ

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    Oud nieuws, of beter gezegd oude kennis in het nieuws.

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  • Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧

    Specialist Dutch Nationality Lawyer (jurist). European-Dutch-Australian-British. -he is single- မင်းသား ခရစ်ဗွန် ဟက်စဘတ် ☆ 王子 ハプスブルクのクリス ☆ เจ้าชาย คริส ฟ็อน ฮาพส์บวร์ค ☆ 王子 哈布斯堡的克里斯 ☆ الامير كريس من عائلة هابسبرغ

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    Just a post to show that not all Israeli's condone the violence by the state and its military. Israel as a state and government has a lot to answer for. Hamas as an organisation, and many if not most of its members, has a lot to answer for. And there are Israeli and Palestinian victims on both sides, many of them innocents. It is up to anyone with a gun in theirhand, or a finger on a (proverbial) trigger, at all (leadership) levels to take responsibility and stop any further escalation. One wrong doesn't justify another. And ultimately objective/independent tribunals/courts will need to hold everyone to account.


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  • Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧

    Specialist Dutch Nationality Lawyer (jurist). European-Dutch-Australian-British. -he is single- မင်းသား ခရစ်ဗွန် ဟက်စဘတ် ☆ 王子 ハプスブルクのクリス ☆ เจ้าชาย คริส ฟ็อน ฮาพส์บวร์ค ☆ 王子 哈布斯堡的克里斯 ☆ الامير كريس من عائلة هابسبرغ

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    Sounds so very familiar. The Netherlands now as well. And lessons from the Australia experiment also ignored, in fact glorified. Sometimes I wonder why I live/lived in those countries during those times? Am I jinxed? Why can't we be a bit less like a torch bearing incited maniac blinded crowd blaming scapegoats for political failings? Which country is a bit more scientific in its policies and opinions? Where to find a bit more common sense? I may want to move again...

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  • Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧

    Specialist Dutch Nationality Lawyer (jurist). European-Dutch-Australian-British. -he is single- မင်းသား ခရစ်ဗွန် ဟက်စဘတ် ☆ 王子 ハプスブルクのクリス ☆ เจ้าชาย คริส ฟ็อน ฮาพส์บวร์ค ☆ 王子 哈布斯堡的克里斯 ☆ الامير كريس من عائلة هابسبرغ

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    Helaas, ik zie het groeiende extreme in de samenleving ook op een afstandje in mijn Nederland, maar ook in mijn geadopteerde Engeland en Australië, en op vele andere plekken in de wereld waar ik banden mee heb. "Afglijden" is helaas het goed woord. Media, economie, combinatie van vele (andere) redenen? En ja, vooral in Nederland gaat de contradictie op "We zijn super inclusief hoor, maar je moet wel net als ons zijn." Nog meer dan in sommige andere landen die men in NL als ouderwets, onontwikkeld, oppressief etc ziet. Nee, in Nederland wordt je helaas maar al te snel met een glimlach de rug toegekeerd en uitgestoten. Nederland is (nog niet) zo verbaal of fysiek agressief als sommige andere plekken in de wereld, maar ik vind het maar een hypocriet land (geworden). En de pijn die men elkaar zo aandoet is er niet minder door.


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  • Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧

    Specialist Dutch Nationality Lawyer (jurist). European-Dutch-Australian-British. -he is single- မင်းသား ခရစ်ဗွန် ဟက်စဘတ် ☆ 王子 ハプスブルクのクリス ☆ เจ้าชาย คริส ฟ็อน ฮาพส์บวร์ค ☆ 王子 哈布斯堡的克里斯 ☆ الامير كريس من عائلة هابسبرغ

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    Geen woorden hiervoor....lachen of huilen...?


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  • Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧

    Specialist Dutch Nationality Lawyer (jurist). European-Dutch-Australian-British. -he is single- မင်းသား ခရစ်ဗွန် ဟက်စဘတ် ☆ 王子 ハプスブルクのクリス ☆ เจ้าชาย คริส ฟ็อน ฮาพส์บวร์ค ☆ 王子 哈布斯堡的克里斯 ☆ الامير كريس من عائلة هابسبرغ

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    Clear and totally agreeable words. Common sense and lessons learned from history. Where the state of Israel is going more and more direction 1930s Germany I know there are many Israelis who disagree. But the world, not just Israel, is becoming more extreme and this needs to stop. Peace upon all. I believe the world is at a slippery slope and the dangers to much worse is real. Everyone deserves human rights, liberty and peace.



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  • Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧

    Specialist Dutch Nationality Lawyer (jurist). European-Dutch-Australian-British. -he is single- မင်းသား ခရစ်ဗွန် ဟက်စဘတ် ☆ 王子 ハプスブルクのクリス ☆ เจ้าชาย คริส ฟ็อน ฮาพส์บวร์ค ☆ 王子 哈布斯堡的克里斯 ☆ الامير كريس من عائلة هابسبرغ

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    Vertrouwelijke geheime vragen en antwoorden tussen de Coalitie en Justitie, de verdwenen Nederlander.De voortdurende feodale nationaliteitswetgeving en de huidige politieke extreme die hun eigen burgers vergeten. Begrijpelijke onwetendheid over een complexe wetgeving. Ik ga hierover graag verder in gesprek met iedere politicus in de nieuwe coalitie. PVV Limburg (geen landelijke PVV op LinkedIn?), VVD, Nieuw Sociaal Contract, Nieuw Sociaal, Denktank Nieuw Sociaal Contract, BBB BoerBurgerBeweging, Stichting GOED - Grenzeloos Onder Een Dak, Nederlanders in den Vreemde, Stichting Nederlanders Buiten Nederland (SNBN).

    Vertrouwelijke geheime vragen en antwoorden tussen Coalitie en Justitie, de verdwenen Nederlander.



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Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧 on LinkedIn: Historical myth or fantasy? The divorce duel to the death.In medieval… (27)

Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧 on LinkedIn: Historical myth or fantasy? The divorce duel to the death.In medieval… (28)

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Kris von Habsburg 🇪🇺🇳🇱🇦🇺🇬🇧 on LinkedIn: Historical myth or fantasy? The divorce duel to the death.
In medieval… (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.